– About Us –
Successful Law Firm Development
Through Smart Marketing & Advertising
Thomas O’Leary

A little background….I’m a Fortune 500 Refugee, and the owner of ST & Associates, LLC, with Holdings in the business advisory area and consumer related verticals.
Prior to forming my business development practice in 1998, I held a number of positions with one the nations largest public utilities. My last position was leading a development team focused on moving all customer service functions to the Internet.
For more than a decade, I have been assisting small businesses with their marketing and advertising efforts – specifically, how a business can increase revenue utilizing smart…and proven methods.
Here a just a few of the business types I have helped with:
Plumbers, Electricians, Roofers, Home Builders, Auto Dealers, Auto Repair Services, Auto Parts Supply, Home Re-modelers and Attorneys.
Over the years, I’ve worked with over 300 small businesses and have helped these owners generate more than $107 million in new revenue.
How To Contact me –
Phone: 859 816 3344
Email: tom (at) the-attorneys-atm.com
Office Address:
135 Riverama
Cincinnati, OH 45238
Joseph Davis

My name is Joe Davis. I graduated summa com laude from the University at Buffalo with degrees in Media and Web Design.
I founded a web development company in the late 1990’s and have over 15 years of experience working with computers, web development, marketing, SEO and project management. Most recently I served as the Executive Director for a cultural non-profit.
In my spare time I work as a tour guide, dance instructor and speak on society, culture and technology.
joe (at) the-attorneys-atm.com
Rachel Donner
Director of Business Advisory Services

I am a Graduate of William & Mary and a Fortune 500 refugee as well. My prior position was with Google, Inc. as a Business Development Lead assisting Law Firms across the U.S.
I have also held similar positions with Dun & Bradstreet and America Online, LLC.
I do understand the legal profession because marketing and advertising for small to medium sized law firms is all I have ever done.
I look forward to helping you grow your practice.
There is only one reason for The Attorneys ATM to exist:
To help Attorneys aggressively grow their practice with simple and cost effective techniques.
These techniques have worked phenomenally well in other industries, yet for most attorneys, they are an unknown.
My philosophy on business growth is this: Marketing and advertising techniques that work extremely well for Accountants, Financial Planners, Electricians, Plumbers, Auto Repair Shops and large Franchised Automobile Dealers….will also work well for Attorneys.
Take that philosophy to heart, and you will see your practice experience growth to an extent that you could never imagine.
How much do I believe in this philosophy- and what can I do for your practice?
Just this – If you retain The Attorneys ATM for Website services, I guarantee To Make You 10x More Money Than You Ever Invest In My Service
How The Attorneys ATM Came To Be
It’s late summer 2007….and I needed the assistance of an attorney for a personal matter. I got the name of a local guy from a friend and set up an appointment. During our initial introductions, I found out he’d been practicing for 14 years and had a reasonably successful firm. After we discussed my issue, we began to discuss our respective businesses. When he found out what I did for a living, his eyes lit up. First, he said “Do you help with web sites – mine sucks.” Then he asked, “I’ve had a web site for years – why can’t I get any clients with it?”
So we hopped on Google and did a few keyword searches that pertained to his geographic location and practice specialty. Hmmmm, couldn’t find his site at all – except when we did a Google search for his name and the name of his practice.
That’s not a good thing – I told him his site might as well be invisible, because the only people finding it were potential “referral” clients who were looking him up, using his name or the name of his firm. He was never going to get any new clients from his site.
He’d retained Findlaw to build, host and market his site years ago and was spending a fortune each year….for nothing. He asked me take a look at his site and send him a proposal on the changes I would make.
The next day, I had a few minutes and started a bit of research on his web site. First – where was his site ranked for popular search terms (what his potential clients would type into Google, Yahoo and MSN to find the service he provides). Turns out it wasn’t even in the top 1000 results on either Google, Yahoo or MSN. Yep, it was absolutely invisible.
So, I fired off a proposal by e-mail detailing what I could do, the cost, and the guarantee that I always offer – To Make Him 10x More Money Than He Invested In My Services.
Two days later, I went to work. The result – In 10 business days, his web site reached the Top 5 positions for all of his key search terms.
Editorial Note
For you skeptics out there, he doesn’t practice out in the country somewhere with little or no competition. His practice is located in a geographical area with just under 425,000 residents and 840 members that belong to the local bar. Not a huge population center, but not small either. And even if you practice in an area with a population of 5 million – expect indentical results.
So what did the changes to his website mean to him? An average of 9 new clients per month. Do the math, folks.
Since then, he’s taken more of my advice (gratis)….and put it to use.
How impressed was this attorney? He invited me to lunch in late November where he discussed a business proposition he was tinkering with. Why not offer my services to Attorneys on a nationwide basis because in his mind, attorneys would kill to have the same type of results.
And if I found any potential in this opportunity, he wanted the opportunity to perhaps invest in it.
Long story short – The Attorneys ATM was born.
If you want to experience phenomenal growth in your practice, take all of the free advice I offer on this web site and put it to use. If you have areas of your practice that are more technical in nature (like web site redesign, search engine marketing and opitimzation, or hosting concerns), don’t hesitate to contact me.
Tom O’Leary