I want to apologize in advance – I need to vent.
Typically, when a law firm wants to discuss their practice, they’ll send me an e-mail or try to reach me by phone. For those that e-mail me, I usually call them back within 4 hours.
And what I hear on my headset when they pick-up the phone sometimes gets me PO’d.
When I hear “Law Offices” as the only greeting when the phone is answered, I know they struggle to get new clients.
What kind of greeting is that? No name or name of the firm. No “How can I help you”.
Just “Law Offices”.
Have these law firms ever heard that the “first impression is the most important”?
Okay….I’m done venting.
Laurie Williams January 14, 2009
I agree! I, too call on clients and get this greeting. If I were to put myself in their client shoes, I’d wander who I called and whether I’m going to be able to speak directly with an attorney who can help!
I’m pretty sure this is occuring in cases where multiple law firms share a receptionist. The greeting is meant to keep the message general. I’m not sure what the answer is in these situations, but it could be more personalized or cordial.
admin January 16, 2009
I believe it sometimes is a case of multiple attorneys sharing space. And that’s fine but maybe the phone should be answered like “Law Offices of Attorneys So-and-So, So-and-So and So-and-So….inserting the last names for So-and-So.
Corey Frisbee January 28, 2009
I think this applies to all business!